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Experience a captivating 6-day adventure through the heart of the Amazon Rainforest. Explore remote regions, camp amidst nature’s wonders, and follow the enchanting Pink Dolphin Trail. This unforgettable journey for nature enthusiasts includes river navigation, visits to indigenous communities, and wildlife observation in their natural habitat!

DAY 1 – Amazon Rainforest Exploration Begins

  • Morning Journey: Commence your adventure with a 2-hour drive from Lago Agrio to “Tierras Orientales” Village on the shore of the Aguarico River. Begin navigating downstream by motorized canoe, where the Aguarico meets the Cuyabeno River. Keep an eye out for the iconic pink Freshwater Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis).

  • Lunch Break: Pause for a delightful picnic lunch and a chance to swim at a picturesque spot along the Aguarico River.

  • Continued Exploration: Follow the Aguarico River downstream until you reach the Zancudo Kichwa Native Territory, navigating further into the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

  • Accommodation: Stay overnight in comfortable tents, either along the river’s shore or, if conditions permit, near the stunning Zancudo Lake. Enjoy a welcome cocktail and dinner.

  • Daily Navigation Time: Approximately 5 hours.

DAY 2 - Amazon Rainforest Exploration Continues
  • Morning Hike: Following breakfast, embark on a captivating hike through the magnificent primary Amazon rainforest, renowned for its immense biodiversity. Learn about essential plants used by the Natives for survival and keep an eye out for remarkable wildlife sightings.
  • Post-Lunch Exploration: After lunch and a period of relaxation, venture out by motorized canoe to explore the breathtaking Zancudo (Iripari) lake. The stunning landscape offers ample opportunities to observe wildlife and even take a refreshing swim. Enjoy the beautiful sunset before returning to the camp.
  • Nighttime Adventure: As night falls, take a short hike to witness the extraordinary sights and sounds of nocturnal life in the Amazon. Spot giant insects, spiders, and other fascinating creatures before returning to the campsite for dinner.
DAY 3 - Rainforest Exploration and Lagarto Cocha River Adventure
  • Morning Bird Watching: Start your day with a serene bird watching trip while immersing in the enchanting sounds of Rainforest life.
  • River Exploration: Pack up in the morning and embark on a downstream journey via motorized canoe along the Aguarico river towards Lagarto Cocha river. Traverse this border river between Peru and Ecuador, delving deep into the Rainforest. Explore the captivating system of rivers and lakes.
  • Delfin Cocha Lake: Arrive at Delfin Cocha Lake, known as “the lake of Dolphins,” offering prime opportunities to spot the Amazonian Freshwater Pink and Grey River Dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis). Enjoy a picnic lunch and perhaps a swim with these amazing creatures. Set up camp in the afternoon.
  • Evening Exploration: As the day winds down, navigate upstream along Lagarto River, seeking out new wildlife species against the backdrop of the setting sun. From the motorized canoe, search for night birds, snakes, bats, caimans, frogs, and more on the way back to camp.
DAY 4 – Rainforest Exploration and Secoya Indigenous Experience
  • Morning River Exploration: Following breakfast, navigate deeper into the rainforest, offering excellent wildlife sighting opportunities, including diverse bird species, monkeys, and more, as you journey towards a remote Secoya Indigenous Community.
  • Secoya Indigenous Encounter: Arrive at the Secoya Indigenous Community, where a knowledgeable Secoya Native Indigenous guide will share insights into their traditional way of life, environment, and wildlife. Experience the process of making Casabe bread (Manioc or Yuca) from root extraction to the final large, round, and flat bread, which holds significant importance in the Indigenous people’s diet.
  • Casabe Bread Picnic Lunch: Enjoy a picnic lunch featuring the freshly made Casabe bread, immersing yourself in the unique flavors and cultural significance of this traditional dish.
  • Return to the Campsite: After the enriching experience at the Secoya Community, return to the campsite for dinner and relaxation.
DAY 5 – Lagoon Exploration and Rainforest Hike
  • Morning Lagoon Exploration: Begin the day with an early exploration of the mesmerizing flooded forest and lagoons, offering splendid wildlife sightings, including the iconic pink Dolphin.

  • Afternoon Rainforest Hike: Following lunch and some relaxation time, embark on a captivating hike through the primary forest, offering opportunities to encounter diverse flora and fauna.

  • Evening Rainforest Excursion: Before dinner, immerse yourself in an exhilarating evening hike to witness the vibrant nocturnal life of the rainforest.

  • Farewell Dinner: Conclude the day with a memorable farewell dinner, savoring the last moments of this extraordinary Amazon Rainforest adventure.

DAY 6 – Return Journey to Lago Agrio or Coca
  • Morning Departure: Begin the day with an early start, breaking camp, and navigating Lagarto River, offering ample opportunities to observe diverse wildlife.
  • Upstream Navigation: Move upstream along Aguarico River toward Tierras Orientales village, enjoying a delightful picnic lunch en route.
  • Return to Lago Agrio or Coca: Arrive at Tierras Orientales village, where transport awaits to drive back to Lago Agrio or Coca cities, expected to arrive in the afternoon (around 3-4 pm). From there, continue your journey back to Quito.
  • Daily Navigation Time: Approximately 7 hours.


Prepare for an enchanting expedition along the Pink Dolphin Trail within the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve! Crucial information to ensure a memorable and immersive experience:

  • How to Get There
  • During Your Stay
  • What to Bring
  • What Is Included
  • What Is Not Included

Equip yourself for a captivating trail expedition! Explore these essential details to ensure you’re fully prepared for your Pink Dolphin Trail Adventure.


Full Adventure Programs *

(prices 2024 per person in USD)

Duration: 6 days / 5 nights
Info: 5 days canoeing downstream Cuyabeno river

  • first 2 nights stay in a lodge with private bathroom
  • 2 nights comfortable camping
  • 1 night at at Aguas Negras Lodge

Min. no of Participants: 2 people

Price per Person:

  • 1290 USD (up to 2 people)
  • 990 USD (from 3 people)
  • 960 USD (from 4 people or more)

Duration: 6 days / 5 nights
Info: Aguarico river, Zancudo lagoon, Lagarto cocha river

  • incl. 4 nights comfortable camping
  • 1 last night stay in a Lodge with private bathroom

Min. no of Participants: 2 people

Price per Person:

  • 1100USD (up to 2 people)
  • 820 USD (from 3 people)
  • 740 USD (from 4 people or more)

Duration: 8 days / 7 nights
Itinerary: Lago Agrio, Aguarico river, Zancudo Lagoon, Lagarto cocha river, Cocaya river, Napo River, Nueva Rocafuerte Village, Coca City.

  • 1 night in a lodge
  • 5 nights comfortable camping
  • 1 last night in a Hostal in Nuewva Rocafuerte

Min. no of Participants: 2 people
Price per Person:

  • 1990 USD (up to 2 people)
  • 1590USD (from 3 people)
  • 1290USD (from 4 people or more)

* Full Adventure programs guaranteed departures with a minimum of 2 people

Departure / Arrival informations:


  • Departure date:  any day of the week subject to availability
  • Arrival / Departure Airport:
    (If you travel by plane to coca, you must take the morning flight and you can start your jungle trip the same day.)
    • Coca city airport: flights available, we will pick you up from the airport in Coca.
    • Pick-up/Drop-off in Coca city incurs an additional charge of $60 for your group. No extra fees apply for Lago Agrio city.
    • No flights available to Lago Agrio.
  • If you travel by car, you must be in the cities of coca or lago agrio on the departure date at 9am

Please contact us:

  • in case of any special arrival or departure time.
  • regular programs private groups (for a quotation)
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